Entrepreneurs who want to build their business in e-commerce ask themselves: what should I trade in order to make a steady profit? Choosing which products to sell is a difficult and very important decision. Step Link's experts told us about the most popular product niches that are relevant all year round, regardless of seasons and trends.
Categories of goods
Let's start by talking about the categories into which products are divided. Without this basic knowledge, it is difficult to start and grow your eCommerce business.
Solution Goods
From the very name of the category, it is clear that these goods help to solve any problems. Solution products can be divided into three sub-categories:
Walkable. These are everyday goods that solve problems and are not highly seasonal.
Seasonal. Demand for these goods increases during a certain period of the year. For example, sunglasses and sandals in summer, hats and boots in winter.
Goods with a wow effect. These are goods with some additions or modifications. For example, a normal vacuum cleaner and a smart vacuum cleaner, a normal mop and a mop with a dispenser.
Trend goods
They are characterised by artificially created demand. A lot of money is invested in advertising and promotion. As a result, demand for the product grows rapidly, reaches a peak and stays there for several months. Then its popularity falls sharply. This is the most dangerous category. You can invest a lot of money in these products and then simply have no time to sell them.
These are health and beauty products that promise quick results. Examples include dietary supplements, slimming creams, hair growth pills and the like. These are high margin products. They come and go just as quickly. They also often have a dubious reputation. If you are serious about being in the commodities business for the long term, you should avoid these products.
"Burned out" goods
These are goods that sold well for a few years, but then fell out of favour. They are usually seasonal or "wow" goods. They are actively traded, and then the market becomes oversaturated with them because everyone who wanted to buy them has already done so. This does not mean that you cannot work with these products. It is necessary to analyse the situation on the market and see if you can squeeze something out of them.
Now we come to a conclusion: what goods are sold all year round? Firstly, the two sub-categories of 'product solutions': running products and 'wow' products.
Year-round niches
These niches have the largest number of entrepreneurs. They also have the most products and customers.
Home goods. People want to live in cleanliness, cosiness and comfort. We try to improve our homes all year round. Therefore, household goods are always relevant. Bed linen, pillows, mops, crockery, air fresheners, etc.
Baby products. Parents usually do not spare money for children. Sales peak before the holidays. But children's products also sell well during the rest of the year. Colouring books, interactive toys, construction kits, radio-controlled cars, etc. There is a huge choice in this niche.
Goods for pets. Pets are almost as popular as children. Accordingly, owners of cats, dogs, hamsters and other animals, birds and fish often spend money on them. This is a very large niche.
Sporting goods. Everyone wants to look good, and many people want to lose weight. So this niche will always be relevant.
Car goods. These sell more or less all year round because people always drive. Video recorders, navigators, phone holders, mats, spare parts, oils, etc.
Every entrepreneur goes his own way in business. It is not all smooth sailing. Successful entrepreneurs have made mistakes before they became successful themselves. Find your niche and your products. If you need advice on how to grow your online commerce business, Step Link's experts are ready to help. Contact them here: https://www.step-link.ca/contacts