Telephone calls are the best way to understand who you have to work with, show yourself, the seriousness of your intentions and outline your principles of doing business. We will immediately make a reservation, by this term we will mean not only real communication with the tube in our hand, but also any communications using instant messengers or voice communications.
As the e-commerce market grows very quickly and shows no signs of slowing down, you can be sure that your dropshipping business will be successful.
But no matter how rosy dreams are, the dropper has a lot to work: constantly thinking about how to attract new customers to the online store, increasing website traffic and doing everything to maintain customer loyalty. And for this, it seems, not so much is needed: that the buyer is satisfied with the price of the goods and he is satisfied with the quality and delivery times. It would seem that everything is simple.
Success in dropshipping primarily depends on the supplier, only he can guarantee the quality of the goods and, observing the delivery time, make the buyer want to purchase from you again and again.
E-mail and instant messengers will not be enough to build long-term relationships with providers. The voice, the manner of communication, the ability to support the conversation - all this helps to imagine and understand what kind of person is at the end of the wire, how serious he is. At the same time, no telephone conversations can guarantee the further success of the transaction and the decency of the counterparty. To check the contractor, his business it is possible by means of the platform for process automation of a drop shipping of Step Link.
And although communication using text messages is becoming more common, but, so far, it is difficult to imagine the world of business, and business communication, in general, without telephone conversations.
It is important to remember some rules for successful communication.

You must obtain your consent before making a call. It is worth writing about this in the messenger, coordinating the time and day. Even when it comes to an urgent call, if you have never previously communicated with someone you want to call or your communication is purely business, wait for a response to the message.
They usually call to:
- make contact with the decision maker. The first time it will be difficult to do this, so the purpose of such a call is to talk to someone from the company who can clearly answer your questions, for example, it may be a supply or sales manager.
- Clarify details that cannot be clarified during correspondence. In this case, you should immediately go to the case and talk about the purpose of the call.
- to clarify incomprehensible points in correspondence or in sent documents and to hear confirmation of obligations "in the living."
For many, communication by phone, and even the thought of it, is stress.
No matter how you relate to telephone negotiations, it is important to understand what is permissible to do during them, and what is not. What actions can spoil the impression of you and the company, what can position the interlocutor, and what can upset or anger?
1. In no case be distracted from the conversation. Anything can distract: an answer to a letter, reading news or biting off a donut. Everything that you would not do in real negotiations should not be done during telephone calls.
2. If you answer the call, greet the caller warmly and let him know who he is talking to. Always answer your phone by giving your name at the end of the greeting.
3. Speak clearly, not too loud, but not quietly. Deafening a person or, conversely, forcing a listener is not good and can affect the outcome of negotiations. Speak as informative and concise as possible, so you will not miss the interlocutor. In order not to get lost and not forget anything, it is worth writing in advance or writing down what you want to say, completely, either thesis or just make a conversation plan.
4. If you are in serious negotiations, try to speak in a clear and calm tone so that you can be easily listened to and understood. Listen to the interlocutor "actively," but not interrupting.
5. In case you are forced to put the conversation "on hold," first of all report it, apologize and return to the conversation as quickly as possible - no one likes to wait.
6. And of course, during telephone conversations, smile. Although the interlocutor does not see you (if you do not have a video call), but a smile changes your voice and has to communicate.

Yes, telephone calls can be a difficult test. Therefore, if you are preparing for negotiations, are at the stage of collecting information and searching for suppliers and goods, then Step Link- a platform for automating dropshipping processes - will be able to help you.
Step Link is integrated with 25 popular marketplaces, and its catalog contains information about 860 manufacturers, their products and internal rating. Based on this data, it will be easier for you to prepare for any, not only telephone, negotiations.